Why mental well-being matters in a workplace?
What is mental well-being?
If you ask this question to different people, zillions of answers may pop up, some might call mental well being as happiness, while others may equate it to being free of mental illnesses. In reality, the definition of mental wellbeing goes much beyond just ‘happiness’ or being ‘illness free’.
Mental well being is the state of equilibrium that puts your entire body to peace. It does not have escalations like happiness or the lows of a sad mood, in summation mental wellness is the difference between being happy and being satisfied.
Now that we’ve mentioned the term ‘satisfaction’, can you name one place where this is the most important? Of course, it is your workplace, after all from Farhan Qureshi to Bunny — there was one thing common- the search and need for job satisfaction. If you’ve happened to see the movie Tamasha, you’ll understand roughly what workplace dissatisfaction do to you as a person overall.
Why does mental well-being matter in a workplace?
For a person to feel at peace with himself and his surroundings, it is important that he be satisfied with the kind and quality of life he is leading. Since most of parts of our days are spent in a professional setting; it becomes necessary to be content in that environment.
Of course the deadlines, the politics, the competition, the workload and your boss dancing over your head creates troubles and makes it seems impossible for you to achieve that state of calmness yet it is believed that if you do not let this little level of stress (eustress) turn into something that causes you trouble mentally and physically (distress), can you achieve zero work stress and zero work stress means zero job stress.
What problems do people face in the workplace?
For people who get easily troubled by the burden of work, by approaching deadlines, the regular hustle-bustle etc- workplaces are the most common area that may act as an environmental stressor to cause mental troubles like anxiety and depression.
The clear symptoms of anxiety and depression mention that they hinder your working capacity and speed, so in short, your work gets affected and so does your overall performance.
How to improve mental well being in a workplace?
1) Mental Wellbeing- Set achievable targets for yourself, if you’ve been appointed to work for a 6-hour shift, work till then and then head home. Understand that your mind needs rest and no matter what anyone says your brain needs its’ ‘me time’.
2) Emotional Wellbeing- Let not anything put you at emotional stake, do not take things to your heart and grow through the criticism because there’s a saying- “Lotuses bloom in sludge”.
3) Social Wellbeing- Learn to draw the difference between your personal and professional life. It is okay to have friends on the work floor but when it comes to working it should solely be that. Look for colleagues who do not indulge in dirty competitions, after all, none knows your capacities better than you do.
There’s a lot you can do yourself to avoid work dissatisfaction, a lot depends on your mental health and well being itself. Give yourself a session of meditation (half an hour every day) and see its magic.
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