What is Our Generation’s Obsession with Perfection?
Our generation and even millennials are obsessed with the idea of perfectionism. Perfectionism means striving for flawlessness. Its not only about being impeccable but also making the environment around you absolutely perfect, which may cause certain negative reactions.
Reason behind why the people are obsessing over the idea of perfectionism is because of the cut throat competition. Children at a very tender age were introduced to imbibe and accept the idea of perfection.
Another reason is the parenting style. Critical controlling and admiration of their children to be on the top are forced by parents to the children.
Now a days models, bloggers, or influencers etc only promotes looking perfect in the aspect of looks and body. Which actually affects other people who’re following them. These influencers or social media personalities have set their own definition or perfectionism, and people do follow them. If a person fails to be perfect in these regards, they criticize themselves which might lead to mental health issues like depression, anxiety or stress.
People need to understand that these things that demand absolute perfection from your end are just temporary in life. Looks and body don’t matter but your organic attitude and the way you see the world that matters far more than your appearance alone.
Be the initiator and spread positivity. Do away with the notion of total and absolute perfection as in reality, it isn’t attainable and just keep a positive outlook and lead a balanced life instead of a perfect one.
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