The Stigma Related To Seeking Therapy.
Today’s society is a modern society which has come a long way, leaving behind all those various useless stereotypes and taboos about things and people which used to reside in our society in earlier times but there is one thing we have still to work around. It is the idea of stigmatizing therapies and criticizing the mental related issues/problems due to which denial of mental illnesses has became a common response. Yes,it is harsh reality of our society which no one can’t deny.
Life is full of struggle, no doubt, which in return creates immense pressure on us, ultimately sometimes affecting our well-being and we end up doubting ourselves and our self-worth. This is the time when a person needs help, he/she needs support and more often than not, he/she needs therapy. So, it is of the utmost importance that we mustn’t hesitate and take the help whenever necessary. Therapy is nothing but a very effective treatment to treat mental illness by the means of counselling sessions.
In our everyday life, we can see many instances where some people make fun of a person suffering from mental illness or getting therapy.
He/she is mocked with different names like mad, unstable, or called unfit, which can result in social boycott due to which, the one who is already in the middle of a storm, has to suffer more, making his/her life becomes even more miserable. But it is a matter of surprise to see such age old stigmas and taboos against mental health to be evident even today.
It is important to understand that why people are afraid to talk about mental illness openly even with their closed ones.
Here are some reasons mentioned below which can be answer to these questions:-
- Lack of proper awareness
- Fear of being mocked
- Fear of being misjudged
- Fear of getting criticised
- Name calling
- Fear of society and culture looking down upon you
- Hesitation for seeking help due to low self-esteem
- Lack of support
As we have discussed the various reasons regarding why people are afraid to talk about mental illnesses, the answer is pretty simple. It is that lack of proper awareness among people and not considering the mental health as a priority are the biggest problems even in the modern and educated society.
There is an urgent need to condemn all such stereotypes and taboos against mental health in order to improve the society.
In India especially, people give more importance to public opinion and perception associated with stereotypes instead of forming their own views and onions, let alone acting on them. People hesitate while discussing mental illnesses or any kind of mental problems due to the fear of how the society will view and respond to it as the masses consider talking about it to be inappropriate.
Therefore,here are some tips for you to get over such stereotypes and live happily:-
- First, we must understand that it’s okay to not be okay.
- Spreading proper awareness and first educating ourselves is a must.
- Having a mental illness is common and it is treatable.
- You don’t have to “adjust” or “live with it.”
- Mental health should be a priority.
- Mental health is as important, if not more, as physical health.
- Talk to your friends and family about your problem.
- Seeking therapy is NORMAL. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Mental health is as important as your physical health, yet we are fail to understand and work on it.
We are failing as a human or more appropriately as whole human community if we can’t provide help to people who need it the most because mental illness, if not given proper attention, may turn into some serious mental issue affecting person’s well-being and life adversely.
Thus, it is very important that we should leave these stereotypes behind in the time period to which they belong and such taboos should have no place in today’s world because earlier people used to think mental illness are a result of a sin but now we are educated we must break the silence and help eradicate such thoughts from society by creating awareness and talking about it.
There is nothing to be ashamed of.
One should never hesitate to talk openly with our friends and family about our problems and ask for care and help whenever needed. Educate people about it. Spread awareness. There are others out there just like you. It’s okay to feel low. It’s okay to feel depressed. It’s okay to feel scared but it’s not okay to hide it. Speak for yourself and seek help whenever necessary.
Well-being should be first and what others think or say should fall second.
Break the silence. Break the chain. Eradicate the stigma. Make the society free from all the fears.
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