The Problem With Self-diagnosis
Self-diagnosis is the process of diagnosis symptoms of a disease or a disorder in oneself. It may be assisted with books, internet or personal experiences, but self-diagnosis can often be misinterpreted and can be self-harming. Where in today’s world people work around the clock and also the stigma is not raised effectively we sometimes rely on sources from the internet and believe the theory. This can be both wrong and misleading, and depending on self-diagnosis is not something we should look forward to.
We should understand that people can put anything on the web with or without confirmed results and following the unconfirmed can be dangerous to our mental health.
Self-diagnosis can also lead to denial of symptoms and even compel us to overlook physical distress. It can also be proven unreliable because seldom symptoms are not similar to one another, and thus experiences may differ.
It can cause distress and further one can be pushed into confusion, anxiety and even depression. As a powerful saying goes, “Half knowledge is more dangerous than no knowledge” taking medications after self-diagnosis can further deteriorate one’s health. One should always keep in mind that there is a thin line between self-diagnosis and getting an idea of the problem and eventually seeking professional medical help is immensely important.
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