Repressed/Unaddressed Emotions Will Mess Up Your Relationships
With proverbs for instance as ‘she’ll be alright’ and ‘no worries’ part of our everyday vernacular, it appears that our society deems positivity highly. However, if you’re having a difficult time, compressing emotions doesn’t make them go away and could really be unhealthy.
If you contain your emotions, there have been diverse studies confirming that when we overlook our emotions, we can endure short-term mental and physical repercussions as well. Repressing your emotions, whether it’s rage, grief, anxiety or frustration, can direct physical stress on your body. The consequence is the same, even if the core emotion alters.
For instance, you might be annoyed at your partner and after stewing in your temper, not stating a thing, you could cultivate an emotional outbreak. So whenever you’re driving the car a few weeks succeeding and a person cuts you off, you can get all-out road rage, causing a setback. That burst and overreaction to a circumstance is your body’s approach of delivering that pent-up agitation. What many individuals aren’t informed of is that there’s a notable alternative to regulate our emotions which is to feel that emotion in real-time!
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