Mid-Life Crisis — It is as real as it gets!
Everyone in their teenage lives, living in their own reality, wish to live a grand life, king size! They have their own dreams, ambitions, goals, and everything seems easy at that point of time. It is when one realizes the truth, that quarter life crisis and later mid-life crisis occurs.
There is no particular age to have such issues but normally it occurs in between 45–60, when life takes certain changes– losing loved ones, feeling inferior in front of colleagues, realising your incomplete dreams and having life changing regrets. They may occur in men and women in same or different forms. For example- One might feel tensed about achieving less while other might get upset with their changing physical appearances.
Whatever may be the cause, it might lead to depression, loneliness, having thoughts about dying, feeling helpless and tired, emotionally weak, needy, frustrated, anxious and detached.
If you think you are be facing this, then here goes my first tip — Accept it, because it’s okay and do read below my few suggestions as they might help you:
- Its just natural and it’s going to be fine:
Once you start accepting the truth it becomes easier to deal it with it, as acknowledging it might help you get over it and start figuring out a solution.
• Try something different every other day:
One of the few major reasons of a mid-life crisis could be your boring monotonous life. You can try something different so that you feel energetic and a sense of accomplishment comes within you. Believe me, the smallest thing, even if it doesn’t feel significant, gives you a feeling of satisfaction when done for the first time.
• Think before you quit:
We tend to take harsh decisions in rough times. One should think twice before deciding on completely giving up on something. Ask yourself — Did you give it your all? Did you genuinely give it your best shot?
• Be kind!
Whenever in doubt, do good deeds. Even if nothing great comes out of it, you will most definitely feel good about yourself. Isn’t that the goal? Engage yourself with some social work or an orphanage or old age and just see the change in how you start to feel about yourself. Seeing yourself in terms of positive self-image is essential.
• Get professional help if you feel it is necessary:
We know that getting professional help for such cases is still a taboo in India, but what else would be a right time to break a barrier and go forward, if it helps you to live better? Plus, you could always set an example for others.
• Lets share!
One always feels better when he/she shares the thoughts buried inside. Talk to your loved ones about it. It will make you feel lighter if not solve all your problems at once. Just talk it out. You never know, you might just help someone who’s going through something similar by sharing it all.
• Surround yourself with positive people
Your company matters a lot when facing issues in your life. Try to avoid negative people around you and engage with the people which give you positive vibes and make you feel good about yourself. People who encourage you. People who love you.
• Most important- follow a healthy lifestyle
A whole day full of burgers might do you less harm when young, but you have to realize that having good and healthy food is of prime importance now (while ageing). Sleep on time; get a good 8 hours of sleep. Get up and exercise. Follow a healthy regime and you’ll be amazed by the kind of positive and stabilizing impact it has on your life.
We believe that, one never feels that life is easy. It is only when a particular phase has passed; we tend to realize its importance. Losing an eraser in school, caught up while bunking a class in college, having a break-up during job or dealing with the kids later, everything feels tough at the moment. However, we do understand later that the obstacles would never cease to exist. Therefore, our suggestion to everyone out there- do whatever makes you happy. It is your life and you are the only one responsible to actually live while living.
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