How to deal with Quarter Life Crisis
Swapan Deep Kaur
We all are well acquainted with the term mid-life crisis. But what is
quarter-life crisis? Here, we are talking about the period from twenties
to thirtees instead of forties-fifties. In this period, people start to feel
unsure about there decisions and choices in life. The causes can be
anything from relationships to extremely competitive and ever so
demanding work environment. Sexual frustrations, the famous
millennial concept of FOMO (fear of missing out), lack of job
opportunities, parental and peer pressure. Numerous causes are there.
All these come with depression, anxiety, fear of change, escapism,
frustration, lack of motivation, lack of self confidence, detachment, and
a constant fear of failure. But instead of worrying, we need to focus on
the ways to rule it our of our lives. Stop judging yourself and be patient
with yourself. Don’t stop trying, laugh a lot, remove toxic people from
your life as you don’t need to impress anyone. Be self aware, you must
have flaws but so does everyone. Be you own hero and rule out quarter
-life crises.
To read about it in detail, click here.
Here are a few tips that will help you get through Quarter Life Crisis:
· Don’t judge yourself
· Keep going. Don’t stop.
· Remove toxic people
· You can’t impress everyone
· Everyone is flawed
· Laugh a lot
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