How to Deal With Child Abuse Inflicted By Parents?
Child abuse basically means an action by any other person, whether an adult or another child, who causes harm to a child. It can be sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse or intentional neglect. There are some signs and symptoms to identify a child who has been abused. The child would have physical marks on their body, they would lack confidence and would always seem nervous and scared. In some cases, the child might seem to lose weight very quickly and would need a lot of attention.
The first person whom a child trusts and forms a relationship with is a parent however there are time the child cannot trust his own parents. Children in these cases, tend to keep their feelings bottled up, unable to speak out. The child can also come under extreme stress and seep into depression.
It becomes very important for any adult, probably a counsellor or a teacher, in an abused child’s life to help them. Such children desperately need someone to talk to and get everything out of their system. If a non-threatening
and safe environment is maintained for them, the child would willingly trust the person.
What to do in such a situation?
It becomes very important for any adult, probably a counsellor or a teacher, in an abused child’s life to help them.
The first step in this process is to identify the child itself.
The child can be encouraged to report the parents.
The child’s teachers also play a crucial role here. By giving the confidence and encouragement to the child, they can be slowly pushed to open up and come out of their shell and not be scared.
There are many foundations and organisations which work to help such children who face abuse. One of them is RAHI which helps children emotionally and legally who are facing with sexual abuse.
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