How Does Financial Crunch Affect Your Mental Health?
Financial crunch is basically a critical situation which arises due to shortage of money and lack of proper planning, this situation mainly occurs when you have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders but at times, management of funds becomes a daunting task. It is really a critical situation as one finds difficulty in completing his/her family needs and person feel himself to be trapped in ferocious circle of losing more and more money or going broke with every passing day. There’ no sense of financial balance, let alone a steady rise in funds.
Financial crunch has various disadvantages which adversely affect the individual’s health and mind, some of the effects are mentioned below -
- Lack of lack of concentration in work
- Improper diet and sleeping patterns
- Absent minded behaviour
- Negative vibes
- Negative thoughts
- Affects overall physical health
- Health problems like diabetes and heart disease
- Mental problems like stress and depression
- Affects social life and relations
- Self-harm
- Reduces confidence
- Reduces self-worth
Financial crunch is definitely a big issue but it is not as big as we make it by not working on it effectively. Yes,it is problem therefore we must find a solution rather than wasting our time in sorrow but first it is essential for us to understand isolation is not a solution, it will bring nothing but negative thoughts and will degrade your confidence.
Below mentioned are some healthy coping tips one can use to effectively handle financial crunch-
- Proper planning of allocation of funds.
- Avoid unnecessary expenditure on things that you can do without.
- Start looking for cheaper alternatives for the time being.
- Proper diet and sleep are a must.
- Avoid negative thoughts as much as you can.
- Meditate every morning. It’ll make you calmer and your mind, clearer.
- Consult an expert on how to effectively allocate resources.
- Savings is important. Fix a percentage of amount you’ll save monthly from your salary.
- Proper evaluation, both financial and necessity wise, before taking any decision.
- Believing in oneself is crucial. You can get out of this.
Everyone has responsibilities and everyone faces challenges, it’s universal but your tackling technique and planning is what makes you different from others.
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