How Can Emotional Health Affect Your Life?
Emotional health refers to one’s ability to process her/his emotions positively, managing their behaviour, actions, and thoughts. It is the ability to manage the ups and downs of life, taking them in stride instead of feeling defeated by them.
Simply put- it is living rather than just existing.
Is emotional health the same as mental health?
People often confuse emotional health with mental health when in reality; they are very different from each other. They do have some similarities but cannot be considered same. Mental health is like observation -seeing things as they are or processing information whereas emotional health is like reflection — processing how the information makes you feel.
What is life without emotional balance like?
Just being physically fit does not mean you are healthy. When one is not emotionally stronger, sooner or later it’s going to affect the physical health too. Like when the foundation isn’t strong, the whole building collapses.
How Can Bad Emotional Health Affect Your Life?
It has been scientically proven that a bad emotional and mental health can make an individual more likely to develop illnesses ranging from common cold to hypertension and heart problems.
Being unable to deal with your emotions, having difficulty in handling the onslaught of sudden feelings, all points that you need to find the right balance emotionally. That being said, emotional well being does not mean that one never experiences negative emotions and is always happy, but it is about constructively dealing with them.
Proper eight hour sleep is essential for both the mind and body, but when every emotion constantly battles in your head to be on the fore front, when you tend to over think or sometimes even blow things out of proportion for issues that aren’t even real, tension becomes your new best friend and sleep waves goodbye.
Life becomes all about dark circles, sleeping pills and depression.
Humans are social animals who need bonds of love and acceptance to grow and flourish. But constant fights with family, friends or your colleagues are all signals of a deteriorating emotional health and imbalance, threatening those bonds with one’s own mistakes. Suicides are a common example of how fatal emotional imbalance can be.
Getting offended without any or the slightest provocation, screaming matches with family or bad interpersonal relationship with colleagues can make you boil over with rage one second and scared or lonely the other.
Why is there a need for emotional well-being?
Emotions are a core part of us, considered by some as strength and by others as a weakness. Emotions make us strong yet at the same time, so fragile. It is important to understand them if we want to embrace them.
An emotionally healthy person understands that there cannot be positive emotions without negative ones. Emotionally balanced people know that suppressing guilt, anger, pain and jealously is NEVER the answer.
Positive emotional health is the medicine of both the mind and body. A good emotional health answers all the sleep problems, stressed nights, and physical illnesses too. The happy mind releases good hormones in one’s body, thus, contributing to good physical health.
For those who have achieved the balance, overthinking becomes a thing of the past. Smile becomes the new friend and anxiety waves goodbye.
Emotionally balanced individuals are not just in tune with their own emotions but also with the emotions of those around them. They are sensitive and empathetic to their family and friends, resulting in good interpersonal bonds. They still fight every now and then with their family or even get angry with their friends but are the first ones to talk it out and avoid misunderstandings.
And when one cherishes and nurtures the relationships, love and acceptance flow freely.
A good, well balanced emotional health solves more problems for us than we realize. Positive emotional health not only aids mental balance but also creates a bridge between a positive life and a happier outlook towards things and situations.
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