Glass Ceiling Effect — Are we really developing?
The Glass Ceiling Effect is an unseen, and in most cases, an
unrecognized yet unapproachable obstruction in the growth of the
fairer sex and minority groups who wish to climb higher on the
corporate ladder. This phenomenon has only worsened the condition of
women in the socio-economic sphere.
If we talk about gender roles, femininity has somehow always been synonymous with weakness.Women’s qualification, capability and achievement are all overshadowed in the name of gender. They find themselves unable to move forward. To overcome such an issue, one needs to first accept the existence of it.
In the economic sphere, this kind of gender inequality resulted in a gender gap giving rise “Glass Ceiling Effect” which has resulted in the of worsening the condition of women in the socio-economic sphere.
Women need to set career goals and keep on improving accept the situation or fight against it with all
your might.
To read about it in detail, click here.
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